Quick Installation Guide

Quick Installation Guide
Page 71 of 73
If you finished configuring the software, click on “save” to save your settings or on
“save and close” to close the setup window. If you want to discard your changes, then
click on “close setup”.
Since version 3.0.2 of the software, the manual can directly be opened over a link in
the main menu.
7.11 WERA Advanced Settings
WERA Advanced settings is an web-based editor for settings of the WERA system
which are hidden in /home/wera/etc and changed seldom. It has two layers of access
control: First the standard mode for more often accessed settings and a special user
who also can change settings, not used so often with the help of the Advanced
settings mode. For details see the corresponding section in the complete WERA
7.12 WERA UPS overview (optional)
It is strongly recommended to use a UPS unit to buffer at least the WERA User
Interface PC. Please refer to the operators manual of the used device.
7.13 WERA Remote Control
The software tool “WERA Remote-Control” is intended to read the actual voltages and
For further details plese refer to the WERA manual chapter 7.8
There you will find all required settings to generate automatic warnings etc.
8. Data processing scripts
These scripts are used to carry out specific software tasks after each measurement.
Please refer to the WERA user manual chapter 8 if some settings might need to be modified.
9. Data formats
There are various data formats used after each processing step. Please refer to the WERA user manual
to get details about the formats.
9.1 RAW
9.2 SORT - WERA range resolved data
9.3 SPEC - WERA Spectra on UV-Grid (.spec)
9.4 crad and wrad Current and wave radial data
9.5 cur_asc, wav_asc and win_asc
9.6 CAL - WERA Calibration data
9.7 USORT - unsorted RAW data
10. Data processing tools
All WERA data processing programs are command line tools. So a base knowledge of UNIX/Linux
shell use is very advantageously. Please refer to the WERA user manual for details.