Operation Manual

18/32 – User Manual
5.3.4. Advanced tab
- This tab allows you to set the MIDI channel for controls (1, by default), in the event that there
is some conflict between your DJ Console Mk4 and another MIDI device. If you have more than
one Hercules device installed on your system, the MIDI channel numbers are assigned by order
of connection, i.e. incrementally.
- You can adjust the cross fader settings according to your preference (BeatMix Curve by
default). The different settings that are available affect the way that the cross fader functions as
you move it from side to side, in relation to the central position: depending on how you will be
mixing, you may wish for the cross fader’s action to be applied much more sharply when it is
moved from the central position (meaning that if you move the cross fader even a little bit to the
left, for example, the effect will be as though it had been moved all the way to the left; and the
same when moving it to the right), or less sharply. You can experiment with the different curves
available and easily switch from one to another, depending on the kind of mixing you are doing
at any given time.
- The headphone channels are set to output channels 3-4 by default. You can also set this to
output channels 1-2, if you prefer.
- Output 1-2 Hardware mix option lets you select the way that hardware mixing will be handled
on output 1-2: USB streaming 1-2 (default), USB streaming 1-2 plus your microphone, or USB
streaming 1-2 plus line in 1-2.