Operation Manual

User Manual 21/32
Forward Scratch
You must do a forward scratch and then quickly lower the volume to its minimum setting before
doing a backward scratch to return to the initial position and restore the volume. Only the forward
scratch will be audible.
Backward Scratch
The reverse of the Forward Scratch: you must do a backward scratch and then quickly lower the
volume to its minimum setting just before doing the forward scratch, and then restore the volume.
The Pass-Pass is not a scratch technique, strictly speaking, since it uses the scratch as well as
other elements (pitch, cross fader, etc.) to create new effects. To carry out this technique you
must play the same piece on both decks, and then it’s up to you to make use of the DJ Control
MP3 e2’s functions to create new rhythmic combinations by alternating your manipulations on
each deck. A perfect mastery of the cross fader and of the basic scratch techniques is required,
as well as a good sense of rhythm and excellent familiarity with the piece.