Operation Manual

18/30User Manual
Scratch button on your DJ Control Steel, the jog wheels switch to the seek function, allowing you
to move quickly within a track. You can also move quickly within a track using the backward and
forward buttons, just above the jog wheel. Press the Scratch button again to return to the default
scratch function.
Use the Pitch slider on Deck B to adjust the song's tempo to match that of the song on Deck A;
alternatively, you can press the Sync button on Deck B to match the tempo of the track on that
deck to the one on Deck A. Synchronizing the tempos makes it easier for dancers to maintain a
constant rhythm when switching from one song to another.
As the track on Deck B is playing, press the Play/Pause button on Deck B to pause the track at
the exact point where you wish to start playback: this pauses the song and sets the cue point
there (if you were to press the Stop button instead, the cue point would not be moved to the new
position; instead, it would go back to the track's original cue point, i.e. the start of the song).
As the track on Deck A is nearing its end, start moving the cross fader to the right towards Deck
B: the more you move it to the right, the more of Deck B will be heard in the mix. When you're
ready to start playback, press the Play/Pause button on Deck B to start playing the track from the
cue point where you had paused it. You can adjust the EQ knobs on Deck B to fine-tune the
equalization, or press one of the Kill buttons to cut out the corresponding frequency band on the
deck for an interesting transition effect (just press the Kill button again to restore the frequency in
question). Continue moving the cross fader until it's all the way to the right, at which point only
the track playing on Deck A will be heard in your mix. You can use the Volume slider on Deck B
to adjust the track's volume if necessary, so that it is at the same level as the track that had been
playing on Deck A.
Now that the track on Deck B is playing, you may want to return it to its original pitch if the pitch
has been altered to match what had been playing on Deck A. To do so, you can either press the
Reset button on Deck B, or slowly move the Pitch slider to adjust it to its normal level.
Feel like saying something to your audience over the music? Press the Mic On/Off button on
your DJ Control Steel to toggle the microphone on and address the crowd: the music level is
automatically reduced so that your voice can be heard. Use the Volume knob next to the
microphone input on the top face of your DJ Control Steel to adjust the microphone volume.
When you're done talking, press the Mic On/Off button again to switch off your microphone and
restore the music to full volume.
Have fun experimenting with some of the effects that are available on buttons 1-6: loop in, loop
out, pitch bend, flanger, beatgrid and so on. You'll be amazed at some of the incredible sounds
you can easily produce, customize and manipulate. You can even modulate the effect by turning
the jog wheel while keeping the effect button pressed down. Pressing buttons 1-6 toggles the
corresponding effect on or off.
While the music on Deck B is playing, press the Cue Select button on Deck A: this means that
Deck A is now monitored on your headphones.
Start playback and adjust the level using the Gain knob on Deck A, which allows you to set the
overall level to match that of the track playing on the other deck. Once the overall level has been
set, you can use the Volume slider for the deck to make more precise adjustments. Cue up your
track to the spot where you want playback to start.