User's Manual

- HIGH PASS FILTER: Sets the -3dB filter frequency.
- OUTPUT: Attenuates the EQ output signal.
- EQL: Activates the EQ section.
- PHASE: Turns the signal 180 degrees.
- SC. EXT: Takes the AC control signal from the Sidechain In connector.
- LINK: Sends the DC control signal to the RCA connector.
- DYN IN: Activates the Dynamics section.
- DYN PRE EQ: Places the dynamics section ahead of the equalizer.
- GAIN MAKEUP: Allows for restoring the gain loss up to 20dB.
- RATIO: From a very gentle 1.5:1 to a 10:1 function. On a 5-position
rotary switch.
- THRESHOLD: With an extended range from +20dBu (all clockwise) to
-20dBu (all counterclockwise).
- RELEASE: On a 5-position rotary switch. From ultra-fast 50
milliseconds to 0.4 seconds and 1automatic release time (fast on
peaks, slow on sustained program).
- ATTACK FAST: Switches the attack to the fastest setting.
- SIDECHAIN FILTER: OFF, 80 and 160 Hz high pass, 800 Hz and 3Khz
bell type boost and 5Khz low pass. These allow for unprecedented
flexible tweaking of your compression. Implemented on a 6-position
rotary switch.
- BLEND % : From 100% DRY (compression bypassed all
counterclockwise) to 100% WET (DRY signal bypassed all clockwise)
and everything in between (50-50 at 12 o´clock).
- BLEND ON button: Activates the BLEND potentiometer, which means
that if BLEND is OFF, the potentiometer is disengaged and signal is all
- VU/GR: Switches the meter activity from tracking gain reduction to
output level.
- METER: Measures gain reduction in dB or Output level.
- POWER: Turns on the unit.