Owner's Manual

- press Back to go back to the Remote menu.
- press Close to go back to the main window.
- select Enabled to enable the
- select Disabled to disable the
ART (Auto Remote Turn-on)
Turn on delay
Shut of delay
- press Back to go back to the settings menu.
- press Close to interrupt the operation and go back to the main window.
ART (Auto remote turn-on)
It provides the ability to turn on S8 DSP through the amplified output (BTL) of a source connected to the
SPEAKER IN Ch1-Ch2 inputs.
(see section 5.2.3)
2. Remote
It is possible to manage the ART function (Auto Remote Turn-On) and the turn on and off settings of the S8 DSP.
- press Back to go back to the Remote menu.
- press Close to go back to the main window.
Turn on delay
it is the delay between switching on the device and the activation of the audio output. Each amplifier has
its own delay in the start-up phase before being operational. By setting Turn On delay to a value equal to or
greater than the longest of these delays, you will have a synchronized start of the audio of the entire system.