User's Manual

GPRMC Data Format
The standard GPRMC data format is as follows:
Detailed descriptions are as follows:
The GPS interface of Pandar20A/B is compatible with a variety of data formats. The external GPS module GPRMC data format needs to
meet the following conditions:
the data in <01> is the hour, minute, and second information; the data in <09> is the date information.
The following two formats are both admissible:
1) $GPRMC,072242,A,3027.3680,N,11423.6975,E,000.0,316.7,160617,004.1,W*67
2) $GPRMC,065829.00,A,3121.86377,N,12114.68322,E,0.027,,160617,,,A*74
<01> UTC Time, hhmmss (hour, minute, second) format
<02> Location Status, A=Valid Position, V=Invalid Position
<03> Latitude ddmm.mmmm (degree, minute) format
<04> Latitude Northern (N) or Southern (S) Hemisphere
<05> Longitude dddmm.mmmm (degree, minute) format
<06> Longitude Eastern (E) or Western (W) Hemisphere
<07> Ground Rate (000.0 to 999.9 knots)
<08> Ground Direction (000.0~359.9 degrees, referencing true north)
<09> UTC Date, ddmmyy (day, month, year) format
<10> Declination (000.0 to 180.0 degrees)
<11> Declination Direction, E (east) or W (west)
<12> Mode (only on version NMEA0183 3.00, A=Automatic
Positioning, D=Differential, E=Estimation, N=Invalid Data)