User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Under Standard mode, represent the azimuth angle of Block i as α(i) = 0.4° * N + 0.2° * k
N is a positive integer, and k {0, 1}
For example, 46.2° = 0.4 * 115 + 0.2 * 1. Therefore N = 115, k = 1
Analyze the Near-Range Flag of the data point
For a data point whose distance d > 2.85 m (i.e. generated from a far-field firing), the Near-Range Flag is set to 0
For a data point whose distance d 2.85 m (i.e. generated from a near-field firing), the Near-Range Flag is set to 1
Look up Δt(j) in the tables below.
Check the resolution mode and k value in the table titles, and check the Near-Range Flag in the third column of each table.