User's Manual

Body: 1032 bytes (4 blocks)
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Azimuth 1
Azimuth 2
Azimuth 3
Azimuth 4
Channel 1
Channel 1
Channel 1
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 2
Channel 2
Channel 2
Channel 64
Channel 64
Channel 64
Channel 64
Under the Dual Return mode, the ranging data from each firing is stored in two adjacent blocks, and the azimuth changes every two blocks.
Block size = Size of Azimuth + 64 * Size of Channel X = 258 bytes
Each Block in the Body: 258 bytes
Current reference angle of the rotor
Azimuth[15:0]: lower byte Azimuth_L[7:0], upper byte Azimuth_H[15:8].
Azimuth Angle = [Azimuth_H, Azimuth_L] / 100° = Azimuth / 100°
Channel X
2-byte Distance
Distance[15:0]: lower byte Distance_L[7:0], upper byte Distance_H[15:8]
Distance Value = [Distance_H, Distance_L] * 4 mm = Distance * 4
Maximum Distance Value = (2 ^ 16 1) * 4 mm = 262.14 m
1-byte Reflectivity
Reflectivity, in percentage (0 to 255%)
NOTE PandarQT does not support this output yet.
1-byte Background
Relative brightness of the receiving FOV
Synchronized to the point cloud, but not related to the emitting laser pulse or distance
NOTE PandarQT does not support this output yet.