User's Manual

7 Sensor Maintenance
Store the device in a dry, well ventilated environment. The ambient temperature should be between -40°C and +85°C, and the humidity below 85%.
Please check the specifications page in this user manual for product IP rating, and avoid any ingress beyond that rating.
Package the device in shock-proof materials to avoid damage during transport.
If the devices enclosure is stained with dirt, fingerprints, or oil, perform the follow cleaning steps.
1) Spray the LiDAR enclosure with warm, neutral solvent using a spray bottle
Solvent type
99% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or 99% ethanol (absolute alcohol)
Solvent temperature
40 to 60
2) After the stains on the LiDAR enclosure loosen, gently wipe the enclosure along its curved surface with a piece of soft microfiber cloth
3) Should another cleaning agent be applied to remove certain stains, repeat Step 1 afterwards
4) Spray the enclosure with clean water, and gently wipe off the remaining liquid with another piece of soft microfiber cloth