Use and Care

©2017 Hestan Commercial Corporation
Hestan Power Burners feature a spark-ignition system with flame-sensing technology which will
relight the flame should it go out.
The Power Burner can also be manually lit should that become necessary.
1. Read Use & Care Manual before lighting. Remove cover during lighting.
2. Stand as far away as possible when lighting.
3. Push and turn selected knob to “HIGH” position. Igniter will spark until flame is established.
4. Once lit, turn knob to desired flame setting. If spark does not occur, check electrical supply.
5. If burner does not light in 5 seconds, turn knob to “OFF” and wait 5 minutes before re-lighting.
6. If burner fails to light, see USE & CARE MANUAL for match lighting instructions.
Note: The flame-sensing technology of the spark igniter will repeatedly spark (clicking sound)
until a flame is established. The igniter for the center burner is built in to the base of the burner
itself and is well protected (see Fig. 3). If you experience nuisance sparking during normal
operation of the burner, see the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this manual.
The igniter for the outer burner is exposed and subject to contamination such as in the event of
a boil-over while cooking. To ensure proper ignition, be careful to maintain the correct distance
between burner and the igniter. The igniter must be approximately 1/8” (3mm) away from the
nearest flame ports on the left side of the burner (see Fig. 4) so that a flame is constantly touching
the center electrode of the igniter. If the igniter body is disturbed or the burner itself is out of
position, nuisance sparking may occur.
If a burner will not light after several attempts, it can be lit with a match. When attempting to
light a burner with a match, be sure you selected the correct control knob for that burner. Keep
your face away as far as possible, and pass the lit match through the openings of the cooking
grates and position near the burner ports. Push and turn the control knob to “HIGH” until the
burner lights. Repeat this procedure for each burner if necessary. If the burner does not light in 5
seconds, turn the control knob to “OFF” and wait 5 minutes before trying again. If the burner will
not light after several attempts, see the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this manual.
Figure 3 Figure 4