Installation Guide

SAFEmine Ltd | | 8/39
SAFEmine (part of Hexagon Mining)
Baarerstrasse 133, CH-6300 Zug
Pressing the button for 3 seconds or longer seconds will restart the SAFEmine unit.
All alarms are indicated during a minimum of 1.5 seconds to allow the operator to see and react to it.
The alarm will stop once the threat is gone or if one of the two vehicles stops.
For further information regarding the collision avoidance and proximity awareness offered by the
SAFEmine system please contact your support responsible or write to
requesting the operator training.
2.3. Technology used
The SAFEmine system based on technology widely used in aviation consists of a main unit, an
operator's interface (both output and input) and a dual antenna (one for GPS, one for radio
communication). Depending on the product selected, the operator's interface is either integrated into
the main unit or mounted as a separate display unit. The main unit contains all main sensors (GPS
engine, radio transceiver, micro-controller, memory, data interfaces and a series of sensors), The
operator interface provides both a directional display of nearby traffic and danger, the
beeper/loudspeaker for acoustical warnings and one button for input.
SAFEmine QC200 series products receive position and movement information from an internal high-
sensitivity 50 channel GPS receiver with an external antenna. Additional sensors and logic further
enhance the accuracy of position measurements. The predicted driving path of the vehicle, in which
a SAFEmine QC200 series product is installed, is calculated by the main unit and the obtained
information is transmitted by radio as a low power digital burst signal at frequent intervals. Provided
they are within receiving range, these signals are received by other vehicles also equipped with
SAFEmine QC200 series products. The incoming signal is compared with the driving path calculated
and predicted for the second vehicle, taking into account configuration parameters like maximum
acceleration or vehicle dimension. At the same time, SAFEmine QC200 series products optionally
compare the predicted driving path with known static obstacle data, e.g. electric power lines.
If a SAFEmine QC200 series product determines the risk of dangerous proximity to another vehicle
or to an obstacle equipped with a SAFEmine QC200 series product, the unit gives the operator a
warning of the greatest danger at that moment. This warning is given by a buzzing sound (beep) and
bright light emitting diodes (LED). The display also gives indication of the threat level, plus the
horizontal bearing to the threat.
The operating range is very dependent upon the antenna installation in or outside the vehicle. The
normal range is about 500m for line-of-sight operations, but up to 2 km may be achieved in individual
For their radio communication, SAFEmine QC200 series products use a proprietary patent- and
copyright-protected protocol. Any non-licensed use, dissemination, copying, implementation or
reverse engineering of the SAFEmine QC200 series radio communication protocol, their hardware
and software or parts of it is forbidden by law and will be prosecuted. SAFEmine is a registered
trademark and may not be used without license.
2.4. Limitations of the System
SAFEmine is not designed for use
in deep or narrow open pit mines where availability of GPS satellites is not sufficient
in any other application than open pit mining
on vehicles with excessive vibration
SAFEmine units are only to be used with other SAFEmine units, otherwise inconsistent function may
occur. SAFEmine Ltd. cannot assume any liability from correct or incorrect use of above specified
products other than regular warranty according to SAFEmine Ltd. General Terms and Conditions.