Installation Guide

There may be times, however, when you need to clean the glass. To do this, use a soft cloth
and a non-abrasive glass cleaner. Only ever clean the glass when the stove is cold. When
loading fuel into the stove, always make sure it is not protruding out through the door opening,
as this may break the glass when you close the door. This is especially relevant when loading
logs. Always close the door gently.
Do not operate with broken or cracked glass. If the glass does crack when the stove is lit, let the
fire die out. Do not open the door until the stove has fully cooled. Replace the glass only with
the specified replacement part before re-using the stove.
Replacement of glass
1. Remove the door from the stove and place on a flat surface.
2. Carefully remove all of the glass clips from the inside of the door.
3. Gently remove the glass panel and gasket.
4. Using a wire brush, remove all remaining debris from the glass area.
5. Apply a small bead of gasket/stove cement to the new gasket. Do not overlap the ends
of the gasket rope.
6. Center the new glass panel over the gasket and reinstall the glass clips.
7. It may be necessary to retighten the glass clips after the stove has been burned and the
gasket has been seated.
***Important: It is extremely important to tighten the glass
clips slowly and in an alternating pattern. Always wear
protective gloves when you handle glass with sharp edges.
Replacement Parts
Always use genuine replacement parts.
Ask retailer for compatible replacement parts. Only ever make replacements when the stove is
cold. Replace glass only with 5 mm ceramic glass, available from your dealer.
Surface finish
The stove should only be cleaned using a damp cloth. Some cleaning products may leave
stains on the stove surface. Never use abrasive cloths as these may scratch the surface.
Painted stoves can be re-painted by using a good quality, high temperature stove paint. When
re-painting, make sure there is plenty of ventilation and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Allow the paint to fully dry before lighting the stove and allow extra ventilation for the first couple
of fires as some fumes may emit from the stove as the paint cures.