User's Manual

Initial System Setup
Configuring Coordinates of the Authorized Refineries
Tanker Truck Monitoring System- User’s Guide 27
2.6.3 Verifying Communication between Reader and Seals
The Events tab is used to verify the communication between the Reader and the seals by
interrogating the seals, invoking events which are sent from the seal to the Reader and through
to the AVL Reader application where they are displayed.
To interrogate the seals
1. Click the Events tab from the menu toolbar. The following window appears.
Figure 2-7. Events Tab
2. Click the MIP Start button. A list of allocated seals, identified by the Reader, is shown.
3. Click Interrogation button to execute command and verify that all ‘attach’ commands are
NOTE: If there is no response, perform another interrogation.
4. Click Get Application Status and view response prompt – GPS OK, battery, etc.
2.7 Configuring Coordinates of the Authorized Refineries
Configure the coordinates of every refinery site where the tanker truck, on which this system
will be installed, will be authorized to fill up. Seals can only be armed (SET command) at these