User Manual

Chapter 7 Evaluation Software
Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electronics & Asset Tracking Technology - 115 -
Argument Value in
codes and
13h (The code
of the ADI
00 00 00 11h
(new value)
This argument can contain a list of
pairs of Parameters codes and their
new values that you want to write.
Each P aramet er code is 1 byte,
followed by t he value that you want
to write to that Parameter. The size
of the value depends on the
P arameter it self and can be found in
the list of the DataSeal Parameters in
chapter 8.
The response is composed of the following fields:
Field Description
Number of
byt es
The total number of bytes in the response.
Seal ID The Seal ID of the DataSeal that sent this response.
Msg t ype The code of t he Re a d P a rame te rs command (64h)
Short Status
7.6.11 Reset Data
The Reset Data command erases all the User Data area and initialize it to
This command is multi-addressed, and can be sent to up to 8 DataSeals in a
single command. You must enter between 1 and 8 Seal IDs in the
Seals/Tags ID box, one in each line, before executing the command.