User Manual

Chapter 8 System Parameters and Comm ands
- 194 - Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electro nic s & A sset Tra cking Techno logy
Phase Long The interval in seconds of the
time between the DataSeal
receives the comm and and until
it st arts the Activ e P eriod (t he
period in which Tw is rep laced
wi th NewTw).
ActiveInterval Long T he du ration o f the Activ e
In terval in seco nd s. Th e
resolution is the maximum of
th e fo llo wing tw o val u es : t he
original value of the Tw
param et er and the value o f th e
NewTw argument.
CheckReader Boolean See Remarks.
UseInVerify Boolean See Remarks.
UseInTamper Boolean See Remarks.
RestoreTwOnConfirmation Boolean Determines whether the
DataSeal should exit the Active
Period (restore Tw ) wh en i t
receives a confirm ation to a
Verify response.
Resul t Type Boole an
Result Description
Always ret urns True (Dat aSeals don't respond t o
this command).