User Manual

Chapter 8 System Parameters and Comm ands
Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electronics & Asset Tracking Technology - 207 -
When a DataSeal receives this command it performs the following actions:
If upon receiving the command the Sealing Wire is opened:
1. T urning on the Suspen de d Set flag in the Status is on
2. A Suspende d Se t Event is written.
3. After the Sealing Wire gets closed: the following Status flags are
cleared: Tampered, Low Battery Warni ng, Opened, Suspende d Se t,
Se aling Wi re Chan ge d, Approve d O pen and Database Error.
4. All the Event records are deleted from the Events Memory, except the
Suspende d Set Event, that becomes the first Event record.
5. The Last Set Reade r ID parameter is updat ed.
If upon receiving the command the Sealing Wire is closed:
1. The following Status flags are cleared: Ta m pe re d, Lo w Batte ry
Warning, Opened, Suspende d Set, Se aling Wi re Chan ge d,
Approve d Open and Database Error.
2. All the Event records are deleted from the Events Memory.
3. A new Suspende d Se t Event is written.
4. The Last Set Reade r ID parameter is updat ed.
The Suspende d Se t command fails in the following situations:
The DataSeal is in Deep Sleep mode.
Li fe Coun te r is 0.
The DataSeal's internal database is corrupted.
The Low Battery Error flag is on.
Soft Set
Me thod Se als.SealSet
Prepares the DataSeal for a new use without
deleting existing Event records.