User Manual

Chapter 9 Troubleshooting and Problem Solving
Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electronics & Asset Tracking Technology - 235 -
low. Putting the DataSeal too close to the DataReader's antenna
(few cent imet ers) may causes signal dist ort ions.
Verify that the antenna is connected properly.
Verify that the SD/RD LED of Channel 2 is red for a about 3
seconds (with default Th w ) upon receiving the command from the
controlling computer, and then turns green for a short time.
The DataSeal may be in Deep Sleep mode. Try to execute a Hard
Wakeup command.
Make sure that the ADI and Department parameters in the
DataReader are either 0 or the same values that should be in the
If you can communicate with the DataSeal using a Low Frequency
dev ice ( Dat aT er minal or Dat aP ort ), m ak e sure th at t h e ADI,
OrgID an d De partmen t parameters match those of the
DataReader. Also make sure that Tw is appropriate for the Th w in
the DataReader. See chapter 8 for information about Th w and Tw .
Mak e sur e th at t h e HF Disabled flag is off too.
The Ve ri fy parameters are invalid. See chapter 8 for information
about the parameters of the Verify command.
9.4 Specific RF comm ands troubleshooting:
5. Dat aSeal does not respond to a Tampered command:
The DataSeal is not tampered. Check the DataSeal's Tampered
6. Dat aSeal does not respond to a Hard Wakeup co mman d:
The DataSeal may already be waked up (in Normal mode). Check
the DataSeal's Deep Sleep flag.
7. Set/Reset Status command fails: