User Manual

Chapter 10 Technical Specifications
- 260 - Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electro nic s & A sset Tra cking Techno logy
S eal s (D ataS ealL ib C l ass ) 188, 19 1, 20 7
Seals.AckBurst (DataSealLib Method) 212
Seals.DeepSleep (DataSealLib Method) 210, 211
Seals.ResetDataBlock (DataSealLib Method) 210
Seals.SealSet (DataSealLib Method) 207, 208, 209
Seals.SetAsyncAlertBurstMode (DataSealLib Method) 211
S eal s. V eri fy (D a t aS e al Li b M e th od ) 1 3 9, 20 6
SealStamp (DataSealLib Property) 207
Send OrgID in Burst (Status f lag) 181
S ensor Pl at e 13, 22, 28, 4 0
Event 82, 183
RF C omm and 14, 32, 69, 7 1, 85, 9 5, 10 0, 10 8, 152, 162, 16 9, 17 1, 17 3, 183, 18 5, 18 8,
20 7, 208, 211, 21 6, 23 3
S usp ended (RF Comm and) See Suspended Set (RF Command)
Set Status (RF Command) 153
S et/R eset S t atus (R F Comm and) 8 6, 1 74, 175, 1 76, 1 77, 178, 1 79, 1 80, 181, 2 05, 2 37
Short Event 182
Short Events 126, 182
S hort Statu s (DataS eal P aram eter) 3 1, 7 2, 73, 9 6, 97, 9 8, 10 9, 149, 153, 16 3, 16 9, 17 2, 199,
20 3, 205, 215, 21 6
Size of User Data (DataSeal Parameter) 164
Sleep Duration Unit (DataSeal Parameter) 164, 192
Slotted Aloha 137
SmartDataR eader 12, 14
Soft Set
Event 209
RF Command 209
Soft Set (Event) 184, 185
S oft S et (RF C omm an d) 6 8, 8 5, 10 9, 18 5, 207, 20 9, 21 1
S tart Al ert Burst Mo de (RF C omm and ) 8 5, 1 20, 121, 1 22, 1 79, 187, 1 94, 1 95, 211, 2 13
S tart Alert Burst Mod e for A ll S eals (RF Comm and) 12 1, 179, 187, 19 4, 19 5, 213
Start Burst Mode
Event 187
S tart F o rced B u rs t (RF Comm an d) 86, 203, 2 12, 215, 217
DataSeal 72
Stop Alert Burst Mode (RF Command) 85, 122, 179, 187
S top Al ert Burst M ode fo r Al l S eal s (RF C omm an d) 12 2, 179, 187, 19 4, 19 5
Stop Alert Bust Mode (RF Command) 211
Stop Burst Mode
Event 187