User Manual

Chapter 6 System Overview
- 66 - Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electro nic s & A sset Tra cking Techno logy
operations as the DataTerminal, given that an appropriate software exists in
the PC.
7. Mi cro Da ta Re a de r
The MicroDataReader is a key ring size mobile device that includes a lo w
frequency transmitter/receiver, 1 or 2 buttons and a LED indicator. Using
the MicroDataReader you can perform the following functions:
1. Verify The LED will turn green if the DataSeal's Status is OK, or
to red if it's Tampered.
2. Set (Optional) prepares the DataSeal for a new use. The type of
t he Set c om m an d ( no rm a l, So ft Se t o r Susp e n de d Set ) is m o de l
specific. Hi-G-Tek can provide MicroDataReaders with different
commands if required.
6.2 DataSeal and DataReader Modes of Operation
6.2.1 DataSeal Modes of Operation
Generally speaking, a DataSeal can be used in any of the following ways:
1. O peration Mode (Normal Mode )
This is t he normal and most basic mode of operat ion. In this mode, t he
DataSeal is on standby most of the time. Once every predetermined period,
called Tw , the DataSeal samples the HF (high frequency) channel
searching for a transmission from a DataReader. If it detects such
transmission, it listens and answers as needed. The default value of T w is 3
seconds, which is the most appropriate for most applications. In the
Operation Mode, the DataSeal also listens constantly to the low frequency
channel and responds as needed. During the Operation Mode the DataSeal