User Manual

Chapter 6 System Overview
- 72 - Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electro nic s & A sset Tra cking Techno logy
connected to any mobile controller (E.g. laptop, palmtop, etc), that has a
serial communications port.
6.4.1 Electrom agnetic Environment
Radio Frequency Communicat ion is t he basic t echnology used by t he
system. While this is a very robust method for communicating with remote
devices, several issues should be considered when planning a site.
Metal walls should not be used to shield the remote devices.
Communication distance between remote devices may vary due to
atmospheric conditions and other electromagnetic interferences.
Communication distance may also vary according to one or more of the
Line of sight between devices existence and clearance.
Proximity to metal objects.
Indoor or Outdoor environment.
Antenna orient at ion bet ween the devices.
It is recommended to map the site with actual devices for proper coverage.
When planning the site layout, safe margins should be taken into account to
ensure proper operation at all times. Possible environmental changes
should also be considered.
6.4.2 System Layout
Two aspects should be considered when dealing with system layout:
1. Radio Frequency Communicat ion Layout .
2. Line Communication RS-485 or RS-232 Layout.