User Manual

Chapter 7 Evaluation Software
- 88 - Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electro nic s & A sset Tra cking Techno logy
Evaluation Software
Hi-G-Tek provides the DataSeal Evaluation Software for it s customers in
order for t hem to get an impression of how t he syst em works. Using t he
Evaluation Software you can play with many of the system's features and
examine its behavior.
If you're reading this manual chapter by chapter, you should now have an
idea of how the system works but lacking the details. Before going into the
details in the next chapters, getting to know the Evaluation Software is just
the right thing to do in order to have a tool that allows you to play with the
"bit s and byt es" of t he various commands.
7.1 Softw are Installation
If you have an older version of the Evaluation Software you should first
remove it (from the "Add/Remove Programs" icon in the Control Panel)
Insert the CD-ROM labeled "Hi-G-T ek" into the CD-ROM drive.
From the Start menu, choose "Run". Assuming your CD-ROM drive is
drive E, type "E:\DataSeal Evaluation Software\Setup.EXE" in the "Run"
dialog box. If your CD-ROM drive lett er is not E, replace t he first E wit h
your CD-ROM drive letter. Click OK to start installing the DataSeal
Evaluation Software.
Follow the instructions on the screen until it says that the software is
successfully installed.
If you're using Windows 98, restart your computer (even if you're not
requested to by the installation software).