User Manual

Chapter 7 Evaluation Software
Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electronics & Asset Tracking Technology - 89 -
The Evaluat ion Soft ware is now inst alled. A new short cut icon "
Dat aSeal Evaluat ion" is added t o your St art ->P rograms menu.
7.2 Comm unication Setup – The Readers Adm inistration
The Evaluation Software must know which DataReaders are connected to
the computer as well as the serial communication port they're connected to
and the baud rate of t hat port .
The Evaluation Software supports
up to 32 DataReadres connected
using RS-485 to a single
communication port or a single
Dat aReader connect ed using RS-
232. Configuring the DataReaders,
communicat ion port and baud rat e
is done t hrough t he Readers Administration window.
The Re a de rs Admini strati on window can be accessed by clicking on the
Readers menu butt on on the top of the screen, and then on Rea de r s
Administration. Alternatively, click on the Readers Administration icon
(Figure 7-0) or press Ct rl+R.
7.2.1 Defining the Connected DataReaders
To add a DataReader, insert the Reader ID in the Reader ID t ext box and
click on the Add button (Figure
7-0). The Reader ID is located
on the back of the DataReader,
in barcode and in numeric
format. To remove a
DataReader, use the mouse to
Figure 7-0
Figure 7-0