User Manual

Chapter 7 Evaluation Software
- 94 - Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electro nic s & A sset Tra cking Techno logy
some cases of failure more detailed information about the cause of the
failure can be seen by hovering with the mouse cursor over this box.
5. Addressed Verify response indicators: When a DataSeal responds to an
Addressed Verify command, these indicators display the information
that was received by it. Its Long Status is displayed in the Seal Status
indicators (Item #6)
6. Seal Status indicators: When a DataSeal responds to an Addressed
Verify command, these indicators reflect the DataSeal's Long Status
as reported by the DataSeal. Flags that are set appear in red, while
unset flags remain black. When a DataSeal responds to a Se t command,
only the Short Status is returned and is indicated by the leftmost
column. The rest 3 columns are dimmed. A complete list of the
DataSeal's Long Status flags and their meanings appear in chapter 8.
7. Broadcast Verify responses list: After a Broadcast Verify interrogation,
the responses of the DataSeals are added to this list.
8. Cyclical interrogations control frame: T his frame contains some
controls that you can use to affect the way that a cyclical interrogation
(Broadcast or Addressed) is executed.
7.4.1 Executing Broadcast Verify Command
The B ro a dcas t Ve ri fy command (sometimes referred to simply as Verify)
is a command that collects information from all the DataSeals that receive
the command (given that their OrgID, Department and ADI match). This
command is the most powerful command, and has many parameters that
enable to fine tune its behavior. A complete description of all the
parameters is given in chapter 8. Normally, the default values of the
parameters are adequate, but you may change them to best suit your needs.
If you want to execute the B ro a dcas t Ve ri fy command only once, click on
the Single Inte rrogation butt on (shown in Figure 7-0). You can also
execute the B roadcas t Ve ri fy command continuously (or cyclically) by