User Manual

Chapter 7 Evaluation Software
Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electronics & Asset Tracking Technology - 95 -
clicking the Cyclical Interrogation
but t on. You can control some
aspects of the cyclical interrogation
from the cyclical interrogations
control frame (item #8 in Figure
7-0) as described in section 7.4.4.
The results (responses) of the
Broa dcast Ve rify command are
displayed in the Broadcast Verify
responses list (it em #7 in Figure
7-0). The results are always
appended to this list. To clear the list click on the Rese t but ton on t he lower
right side of the window.
Each response in the Broadcast Verify responses list contains the following
Seal ID
Events: The number of Event records that exist in the DataSeal.
Seal Short Status: This column is divided into 7 sub columns, each
represents a single flag in the DataSeal's Short Status. If the flag is set
(on), the flag appears red, and if unset (off) the flag appears black. T he
flags are:
S/T Set/Tampered: if on, indicates that the DataSeal was
LBW – Low Batt ery Warning.
O/C – Open/Close: if on, indicates that the Sealing Wire is open.
SS Suspended Set: if on, indicates that the DataSeal is in
Suspended Set stat e.
Figure 7-0