User's Manual

The value of multiplication constant (Mul C) is
zero. The two settings will affect the measured
3) Press [Save] to save the setting of instrument constants
and return to the Calibration menu;
4) Press [ESC] to return to the Calibration interface.
11.6.3 Calibrate the tilt X
1) In the calibration menu, press [3] or press [ENT] after
moving the cursor to Adjust X to enter the interface of
Adjust tilt X;
*F1 Up 3
Adjust TiltX
2) After leveling the instrument, aim at the target F1 in the
collimator in face left, record the current vertical angle as
V0.Set the vertical angle to V0+3′with the help of the
vertical tangent screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the
target precisely. Press [ENT] to confirm after a stable
readout appears;
3) Set the vertical angle to V0-3′with the help of the vertical
tangent screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target
precisely and press [ENT] to confirm after a stable readout
4) Set the vertical angle to V0 with the help of vertical tangent
screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target precisely;
5) Aim at the target F2 in the collimator with reverse telescope
and record the current vertical angle as V1.Set the vertical
angle to V1-3′with the help of the vertical tangent screw.