User's Manual

Screw C
Screw B
Screw A
Turn around the instrument 90°again. Repeat above steps
until the bubble remains in the center of the plate level even
though the instrument is rotated to any position.
4.2.2 Using centering device to center
1) Set up the tripod;
Open the tripod. Make sure that the three feet of
the tripod are approximately equal in distance from the
center and that the top is leveled. Screw up the three
locking screw;
Make sure that the center of the tripod top is right
above the station;
Stamp one foot on the ground with your feet.
2) Install the instrument gently on the top of the tripod
and screw up the screw connection. Open the laser
plummet through star () key to aim at the station
3) Using circular level to level the instrument coarsely;
4) Using tubular level to level the instrument precisely;
5) Precise centering and leveling;
According to the observation of center device, loose the
connection screw slightly and shift the instrument horizontally
(mention that do not turn around the instrument)until the
instrument aims at the station precisely.