User's Manual

2) Aim at the prism point, and press [MSR1] or [MSR2]
to start measuring. After a successful measurement,
measured data will be displayed;
3) Press [DSP] to switch to check the data of the three
result pages;
4) Press [ENT] to enter the interface of “Rec. data”, and
you can record the measured data.
8.3 MLM
This function is to Measure the horizontal distance (dHD),
slope distance (dSD), elevation difference (dVD) and azimuth
angle (dHD) between two target. You may also input the
coordinate or retrieve coordinate from files to calculate value.
Prism B
Prism A
Prism C
There are two modes of MLM:
●.MLM (A-B,A-C): measure A-B, A-C, A-D…. i.e the
starting point is the reference point of all following points.
●.MLM (A-B, B-C): measure A-B, B-C, C-D…. i.e the
previous point is the reference point of all the other points.
8.3.1 MLM (A-B,A-C)
1) In the menu of program, press [3] or [ENT] after
moving the cursor to the interface of “MLM