User's Manual

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PLT-02496, Version: 1.0 November 2015
Magnetic Track
Encoding Mode: Displays the Encoding Mode selected above.
Character Size: Customize the character data size used to encode the magnetic data on
the currently selected track. Note: Character size includes the parity bit (if enabled).
Selections vary for the selected encoding mode. Options are 4, 5, 7, or 8 Bits
Custom Encoding: 5, or 7 Bits
Raw Binary Encoding: 4 or 8 Bits
ASCII Offset: Customize the character ASCII offset used to encode the magnetic data
on the currently selected track. Note: This character-offset value is subtracted from the
ASCII value of each magnetic stripe data character prior to encoding on the track.
Options are: NULL, SPACE, ZERO
Bit Density: Customize the bit recording density (Bits Per Inch) used to encode the
magnetic data on the currently selected track.
Options are: 75, 128, 210, or Custom BPI.
LRC Generation: Customize the LRC generation mode used to encode the magnetic
data on the currently selected track.
Options are: No LRC, Even Parity, or Odd Parity
Character Parity: Customize the encoding mode used to encode the magnetic data on
the currently selected track.
Options are: No Parity, Even Parity, Odd Parity
Reverse Bit Order: This option is used to reverse the character bits for the encryption of
data in specific programs.
Add Leading Zeros: This option is used to add a set number of leading zeros to the
magnetic string in order to move the starting point of the encoded data in specific
programs for encryption of data.
Default: Clicking this resets defaults for only the current track.
Field Description