Install Guide

Trusted Identities
January 2022PLT-06387, Rev. A.0 5
Install Guide
3.1 BluFi installation
BluFi should be installed within 100ft (30m) of monitored
assets (shorter distances are required for environments
with obstructions).
BluFi AC:
BluFi DC:
BluFi DC PlenumBluFi DC
3. BEEKs and BluFi installation
3.2 BLE Module
1. Place beacons near the desired assets (don’t install yet).
2. In Bluzone console, go to BluFi > {BluFi Name} >
Statistics and scroll down to the Scan Map.
3. Verify that each beacon sees at least one BluFi. (-75
dBm or higher is desired). Move any BluFi, if necessary.
3.3 BLE Module installation
1. Connect the wired sensor (for your use-case) to the BLE
2. Power on the BLE Module using 3.6 - 30 VDC power
3. (Optional) Connect external antenna to the U.FL coaxial
4. BLE Modules should be mounted with screws to rigid
standoffs using the two through-holes on the printed
circuit board assembly (PCBA).