User's Manual

HF-A21-SMT Embedded WiFi Module User Manual
Shanghai High-Flying Electronics Technology Co., Ltd
For above networking, HF-A21-SMT module works as AP and also the centre of this network. All
devices IP address in this network shall use the same network segment with HF-A21-SMT and
they can intercommunication with this method.
2.6.2. HF-A21-SMT Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, N-Ver)
Figure 19. HF-A21-SMT Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, N-Ver)
For above networking, HF-A21-SMT module works as STAFirmware is N-Version,and
module configured as router mode. When module connect to AP, it will get wireless port IP
address from APFor example: the same time, module also form a subnet
Default all devices connected to module Ethernet interface will get
assigned IP addressFor example: for above networking, PC1 at internal
subnet can initiate a connection to PC2 (For HF-A21-SMT works as router mode), but PC2 can‟t
active initiate a connection to PC1.
2.6.3. HF-A21-SMT Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, Z-Ver)
Figure 20. HF-A21-SMT Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, Z-Ver)
For above networking, HF-A21-SMT module works as STAFirmware is Z-Version,and
module configured as bridge mode. When module connect to AP, all devices connected to
module Ethernet interface will get assigned IP address from AP (For example: module works as bridge mode, it can be treated as a transparent device and
PC1, PC2 can communicate without any limit. But in this networking, HF-A21-SMT module needs
assign a static LAN IP address (For example: if module also needs
communication with AP or configuration through web page.
2.7. Search Function for STA
When using web configuration STA Interface Setting Page, user can push “Search” button to find
surrounding AP, and find a AP to associated.
2.8. Work Mode
HF-A21-SMT modules provide two kinds of work mode: Transparent transmission mode.
Transparent transmission mode achieves a plug and play serial data port, and reduces user