User's Manual

HF-A21-SMT Embedded WiFi Module User Manual
Shanghai High-Flying Electronics Technology Co., Ltd
Generally, Network protocols support three modes: TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP. UDP has
no server and client requirement according to standard.
Besides module working as TCP Server (IP address not required in this mode). User must set the
IP address of the device which need communicate with HF-A21-SMT module.
Also the Port ID between two sides of the communication devices must keep the same.
3.1.6. Device Management Page
This page use to manage HF-A21-SMT module general setting, such as administrator setting,
restart module button, restore factory default setting button, and update firmware through
Figure 27. Device Management Page
Restart module button: When you setting the parameters of different web pages, you will click
“Apply” button to confirm the setting, but the setting take effect only after user click the “Restart”
button here, the module will re-boot up and reflash the memory information with new changes.
3.2. HF-A21-SMT Usage Introduction
3.2.1. Software Debug Tools
High-Flying use two common software tools debugging and applying HF-A21-SMT modules.
(User can also select other tools used to debug serial and Ethernet port).
Serial Debugging Software: ComTools
Ethernet Debugging Software: TCPUDPDbg
3.2.2. Network Connection
User can select two methods to connect HF-A21-SMT module base on dedicated application.