User Manual

8273 Industrial Park Road ▪ Baxter, MN 56425 ▪ (218) 829-6036 ▪ Fax (218) 829-1685
Model: 700 SPORTSMAN EFI 04-06/700 SPORTSMAN 05-06 (27”-28” TIRES) Part #: HLCKP700FI
Kits de signed for Stock motor and st ock exhaust at 0-3000 feet elevation.
ATV ’ s can be da ngerous. EPI has n o control ov e r the use of any pa r t. EPI expects the cu s tom e r to exercise good
judgment as to the prop er selection, in s tallation, use and m ainten a nce of an y part. E PI assum es no r e s ponsibili ty for
damage or injur y of any kind because of misus e, improper installa tion and improper application of any parts in any w ay,
by any pe r s on. Contact your local dealer to s c hedule installation of this c lutch kit if you are not a q ualified AT V
This pr oduct is NOT to be instal led on any AT V t ha t will be used by any pe rson unde r t he age of 16.
- 3/8, 7/16, 1/ 2 s oc ket and wrenc h
- 5/8 socket
- Torque wrench
- Snap ring pliers
- Phillips screwdriver
- Side cutters
- 1/8 Allen w r ench
- # 25 Torx wrench
- Prima r y Clutch Puller (EPI par t # P CP-1)
- 24-2,500 Rpm’s
1. Rem ove the k ey from th e ig nition. Remove the left side foot r est by unbolti ng it from the fe nders a nd frame.
Remove the zip ties or c lamps on the v e nt hose coming from the top of the clutc h cover. On som e models you
might have to remove the sea t a nd the left side bo dy panel between the fron t a nd rear fenders to gain a c cess to th e
vent tube. Be carefu l not to damage the r ubber boot when cuttin g th e zip ties.
2. Rem ove the clutch cover bolts ; note the length of the bolts and their location. Som e m od els migh t have a little
metal cla m p at th e r e a r of the c over tha t needs to be remov ed , simply ta ke a flat tipped scr ew dr iver and pry the
clamp off . Save the clamp bec a use you will need to reuse it. Remove cover s lowly being c a r eful not to damage the
3. EPI found it e a s ie s t to remove both clutches an d the be lt a t the sam e time b ut it is not r e quired to ins tall kit. If you
plan on removing both c lutche s r e m ove the se c ondary (rear ) clutch bolt ( 1/2” w r ench or socket) a nd temporarily
leave c lutch a nd belt on the mac hine. If you are NOT r e m oving both clutches remove the belt. You can remov e be lt
by squeezing th e be lt together betwe en the tw o clutches, this will allow enough slac k in th e belt to remove the belt.
The pr im ary (front) clutch is pres sed ont o the cra nksha ft of th e m otor . Removal of th e c lutch is not required bu t
does make th e job much eas ie r . To remove the c lutch a special c lutch puller is needed, this tool is a vailable through
EPI (part # PCP-1). Notice the “X” mark e d on the outside c over of the clutch, on the spider, and on the moveable
sheave. These are alignment marks from the factory and must line up when you reassemble the clutch. If you are
not removing th e c lutch see nex t step. To r e m ove the clutch using a clutch puller remove the lar ge c enter clutch
bolt (5/8 socket). You will need to use a s m a ll bar or la r ge s c rewdriver and stick it through th e c lutch to stop the
clutch from r otating while you loosen the cente r bolt. Re m ove the c enter bolt, washers , and any s p a c e r s that are
there. Threa d the clutch puller in by h an d and tigh te n until the c lutch p ops off th e shaft, you will need to hold the
clutch from r otating. Remove both clutches a nd the belt fr om the mac hine, go to step eight for c om plete seconda ry
clutch remov al instr uctions . Place c lutch on a clean work s urfa ce and remove clu tc h puller .

Summary of content (2 pages)