User Manual

8273 Industrial Park Road ▪ Baxter, MN 56425 ▪ (218) 829-6036 ▪ Fax (218) 829-1685
Model: 800 RZR 4x4 2008-2009 (27”-28” TIRES) Part #: HLCKPRZR
Kits de s igned for Stock motor and stock exhaust a t 0-3000 feet elevation.
ATV ’ s can be da ngerous. EPI has n o control ov e r the use of any pa r t. EPI expects the cu s tom e r to exercise good
judgment as to the prop er selection, in s tallation, use and m ainten a nce of an y part. EPI assumes n o r esponsibility f or
damage or injur y of any kind because of misus e, improper installa tion and improper application of any parts in any w ay
by an y pe r s on. Con ta c t your loc al dealer to sch ed ule installation of this clutc h kit if you ar e not a qua lified AT V
This pr oduct is NOT to be instal led on any AT V t ha t will be used by any pe rson unde r t he age of 16.
- 3/8, 7/16, 1/ 2 s oc ket and wr ench
- 5/8 socket and wrench
- 10mm, 11mm s oc k et
- #25 Torx
- Torque wrench
- Phillip s and flat tip screwdrive r s
- 1/8 Allen wrench
- 1/2 impact wrench
- Clu tc h Compres s ion Tool ( EPI par t #CCT510 )
- Primary C lutch Puller ( EPI par t #PCP-12)
1,800 RPM s
1. Remove the key from the ign ition. Rem ove the driver and pas s enger seats . R e m ove the tw o tor x scre ws fr om the
rear of the cen te r c onsole, watch for the plastic spacers und er the con s ole . Remove th e two bolts holding the seat
cross bar a nd remove th e cross ba r . Remove th e rea r s er vice panel to access the clutches. Remove the clamps on
the vent hose c om ing from the top of the clutch cov e r . Be careful not to damage the ru bbe r boot. Save the clamps
because you will need to reuse them . Remov e the eight c lutch cover bolts . Not e th e location of the bolts. Remove
the clutch cover and set aside.
2. Remove the belt. You can remove belt by pulling up on the belt to open the d r iven clutch , this will allow enough
slack in the belt to r e m ove it.
3. Next remove the primary clutch (clutch on passenger side). Remov e the center bol t (5/8 socket), washers, and any
spacers that are there. You will need to use a s m all bar or la r g e screw dr iver and stick it through the clutch to stop
the clutch f rom rotating while you loosen the ce nter bol t. Thr ea d th e clutch puller (E PI par t #PCP-12) in by hand
and tighten u ntil the clutch p ops off the shaft. You w ill need to hold th e c lutch from rotat ing. Re m ove the pr im a r y
clutch and place on a flat clean work surface and remove the clutch puller. Notice th e part n umbers and/or “X” on
the outside cover of the c lutch and the X” marked on th e s pider. These are alignment marks from the factory and
must line up when you reassemble the clutch. Next remove the six outside b olts from th e primary clutch cover.
Remove the cover a nd spring. Ther e is a black bushing on the c lutch sh af t, if this c om es off be s ure to pu t it ba ck
on. NOTI CE: Removal or modification of this bushing ca n cause over sh ifting of the clutches, clutch an d b elt
damage. It can also result in injury. EPI is not responsible for any damage or injury due to the remov a l or
modification of this b ushing.
4. With the sprin g r emoved you c a n change the weights. Usin g a 1/8” Allen wrench and a 3/8” wrench or socket
remove the bolt holding the w eig ht in th e clutch. Replac e the stock weigh t with the weight included in the c lutch kit
and install th e bolt an d nut. Repe a t the sam e p r oc e s s for the other two weights .
5. It is a good idea to clean your clutches. Using a clean rag and a contact/brake cleaner that DOES N O T leave an oily
film or r esidue clean all a reas of the clutch except on th e b ushings. Clea ning the c lutch bushings with a cleaning
solvent can cause premature wear. This applies to both clutches.
6. Install th e RED colored p r im ary sp r ing. Make sure th e s p r ing fits flat into th e clutch at both ends. Install cove r onto
clutch being sure to align th e “X” marks a s noted w hen you disass em bled it. M a ke sure the cover lines up properly

Summary of content (2 pages)