User Manual

User Manual of Network Camera
6.3.4 Configuring DDNS Settings
If your camera is set to use PPPoE as its default network connection, you can use the
Dynamic DNS (DDNS) for network access.
Before you start:
Registration on the DDNS server is required before configuring the DDNS settings of
the camera.
For your privacy and to better protect your system against security risks, we strongly
recommend the use of strong passwords for all functions and network devices. The
password should be something of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8
characters, including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special
characters) in order to increase the security of your product.
1. Enter the DDNS Settings interface:
Configuration > Advanced Configuration > Network > DDNS
Figure 6-9 DDNS Settings
2. Check the Enable DDNS checkbox to enable this feature.
3. Select DDNS Type. Four DDNS types are selectable: HiDDNS, IPServer, NO-IP,
and DynDNS.
(1) Enter Server Address of DynDNS (e.g.