User Manual

Table Of Contents
Network Camera User Manual
rule region and reports an alarm.
1. Area Settings.
a) Add a region. Up to 3 regions are supported.
A region is the defined area in which the detections are active.
When drawing the regions, note that a valid region-entering action of a
target is that his/her head and shoulder enter the region.
i. Click Add Region.
ii. (Optional) Select a color for a region from the color drop-down list.
iii. Draw a region by right click to determine the region boundary. Up to 10
edges are supported for a region.
Move the region: select and drag the region.
Adjust the region boundary: select the region and drag the endpoint of
the region edge.
Delete the region: select the region and click Delete.
When you are drawing regions, try to avoid region overlapping.
A region should cover as much space as a queue may take.
Queue Management-Rule Settings