User's Manual

Table Of Contents
9.2.1 Add Device
The client provides three device adding modes including by IP/domain, IP segment, and ISUP
protocol. The client also supports imporng mulple devices in a batch when there are large
t of devices to be added.
Add Device by IP Address or Domain Name
If you know the IP address or domain name of the device to add, you can add devices to the client
y specifying the IP address (or domain name), user name, password, etc.
1. Enter Device Management module.
2. Click Device tab on the top of the right panel.
The added devices are displayed on the right panel.
3. Click Add to open the Add window, and then select IP/Domain as the adding mode.
4. Enter the required informaon.
Create a descripve name for the device. For example, you can use a nickname that can show
the locaon or feature of the device.
The IP address or domain name of the device.
The devices to add share the same port number. The default value is 8000.
User Name
Enter the device user name. By default, the user name is admin.
Enter the device password.
The password strength of the device can be automacally checked. We highly recommend
ou change the password of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including
at least three kinds of following categories: upper case leers, lower case leers, numbers,
and special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend
you change your password regularly, especially in the high security system, changing the
password monthly or weekly can beer protect your product.
Proper conguraon of all passwords and other security sengs is the responsibility of the
installer and/or end-user.
5. Oponal: Check T
ransmission Encrypon (TLS) to enable transmission encrypon using TLS
(Transport Layer Security) protocol for security purpose.
DS-K1T981 Series Access Control Terminal User Manual