Corrosion handbook

18 06/21
From the beginning of the 1980s until 2005 Hilti also carried out extensive studies
on the corrosion behavior of various materials in road tunnels in the Alpine region.
Our long-term observations have given us the ability to improve the performance
of our products in these highly corrosive surroundings and thus supply our
customers with more effective fastening systems for use in these environmental
conditions. The high-alloyed stainless steel grade 1.4529 (HCR) has proven to be
the one material that shows little to no signs of corrosion. The results of these
studies have also influenced standards and codes of practice for products and
fasteners made of stainless steel used for tunnel applications (see Fig. 26).
Our fasteners and installation products are not the only products that are
thoroughly tested. Hilti’s power tools also undergo many functionality tests,
combined with typical corrosion conditions. This leads to high performance even
in tough environments (see Fig. 27).
Fig. 26: Road tunnels present a very
corrosive environment (de-icing salt
and exhaust fumes from traffic).
Fig. 27: Fastening tools in a humidity chamber.