User's Manual

5.4.4 Read from Cursor to End
This command will read a document from where the cursor is located to
the end of the document. While the Braille Sense OnHand is reading
the text, the cursor will stay in the same location that you were, before
you started this command. The cursor will not be moved until the
reading has been completed. Once the text has been read, the cursor
will move to the end of the document. To execute this command, press
“Space-m (dots 1-3-4)”, and move to the “Read” menu by pressing
“Space-4”. Then, press “Enter”. You can move to “Read From Cursor
To End” by pressing “Space-4” and press “Enter”, or you can press “g
(dots 1-2-4-5)” on the “Read” menu, which is the short cut. While
editing a document, you can press “Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)” to activate
this function.
If you stop this command before the end of a document, you can press
“Backspace-Enter”, which will move the cursor to where you stopped the
5.4.5 Auto Scroll
The “Auto Scroll” command scrolls automatically. The speed of the
“Auto Scroll” is set in the “Settings” menu, which is located in the “File”
menu, which was explained in section 5.1.7. The auto scroll mode
does not read the document using the voice. It is only displayed on the
Braille display. It reads the document line by line automatically. To
execute this command, press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or “F2”, and move
to the “Read” menu by pressing “Space-4”. Then, press “Enter”.
Move to “Auto Scroll” by pressing “Space-4”, and then press “Enter”, or
you can press “a (dot 1)” on the read menu, which is the short cut. You
can turn the auto scroll feature on and off by pressing the up and down
scroll buttons simultaneously. For faster scrolling, press the right
“Space-6”. For slower scrolling, press “Space-3”. If you want to read
a line again that you have already scrolled past, you can read it again by
pressing the up scroll button or “Space-1” until you can get to what you
want to read. Similarly, if you want to skip some lines that you do not