User's Manual

182 Sending E-Mail in “Outbox”
You can send a saved e-mail in “outbox” when you saved mail
“Outbox” or you didn’t send mail due to a network error or another
The following describes how to send e-mail In “Outbox”.
1) Execute “E-mail” program.
2) It shows mail list in “Inbox”.
3) Press “Shift-Tab (Space-1-2)”, move to “Mailbox”.
4) Press “Space-1” or “Space-4”, move to “Outbox”.
5) Press “Enter”.
6) It shows mail list in “Outbox”.
7) Press “Space-1” or “Space-4”, move to the mail that you want to
· When you want to send all the emails in the list: Press “Enter-a
(dot 1).
· When you want to send an email by selection an item by item in
the list: Press “Space”.
· When you want to send an email by selection continuously in the
list: Press “Enter-b (dots 1-2). It shows “Start selection”. Move to
the mail that you want to send.
For example, when you send 5 mail in 10 mail lists, press “Enter-b
(dots 1-2)” from the first list of mail. And press “Space-4”, move to
the 5
8) Press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or “F2” to call up the menu.
9) Press “Enter” on the “File” menu.
10) Press “Space-1” or “Space-4”, move to “Send” menu.
11) Press “Enter” on the “Send” menu.
12) It will execute sending mail.
Without calling the menu, press “Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)” on the mail that
you want to send of mail lists of the “Outbox”.