User's Manual

If you want to modify the e-mail addresses or host addresses that have
been registered, execute step 1 above. Press “Space-4” to move to
“Type: E-mail address string 2/3” and “Type: Host 3/3”. You can modify
them with the same method as explained above.
If you want to cancel registration, press “Tab (Space-4-5)” to move to the
“Cancel” button, and press “enter”. Or, you can press “Space-e (dots 1-
5)” or “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)”. Deleting Spam
You can delete an item that has been registered in the spam list.
Let’s start our explanation from “Subject”.
1) Press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or “F2” to call up the menu while
you are in the “inbox”.
2) Press “Space-4”, move to the “Tools”.
3) Press “Enter”.
4) It shows “Accounts manager”.
5) Press “Space-4”, move to “Spam Settings”.
6) Press “Enter”.
7) It shows “Type: Subject 1/3”. Without calling the menu, you can
also execute to this stage directly by pressing “Enter-e (dots 1-5)”.
8) Press “tab (Space-4-5)” to move to the “list”. Then, “Subject:
(Registered word) 1/xx” will be displayed.
9) Press “Space-4” or “Space-1” to delete the registered word.
10) Press “Space-d (dots 1-4-5)” to delete the selected word. Or,
press “tab (Space-4-5)” to move to the “Delete” button, and press
11) Then, “Successfully deleted” will be announced and “list” will
show again. You can check the remaining words by pressing
“Space-4” or “Space-1”.
You may delete an “E-mail address string” or “Host” in the spam list, too.
Press “Space-4” to move to “Type: E-mail address string 2/3” or “Type:
Host 3/3”, and execute. The method is the same as explained above.