User's Manual

13. Bluetooth Manager
The Braille Sense OnHand is Bluetooth capable. Bluetooth is the latest
in wireless technology that allows for a Personal Area Network (PAN).
Unlike a traditional Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), these
networks are limited to approximately 30 feet or less. Bluetooth
enables users to exchange various types of information. In order to use
Bluetooth with the Braille Sense OnHand, you must change the
Bluetooth option to “On” in the option menu. Please refer to the section
3.38 in this user manual.
Bluetooth on the Braille Sense OnHand allows you to transfer files from
the Braille Sense OnHand to a computer, use the Internet connection
your computer is using, or use the Braille Sense OnHand as a wireless
Braille display. To use the Braille Sense OnHand as a wireless Braille
display, you must be running the screen readers; Window-Eyes or
Supernova. Please note that Bluetooth is currently an evolving
standard, and you may experience different functionality, depending on
the operating system that you are using.
The Braille Sense OnHand uses the built-in Bluetooth manager program
to allow the user to use the Bluetooth functionality in the Braille Sense
OnHand. You can access the Bluetooth manager in several ways. To
access Bluetooth manager from the program menu, you can either press
“Space-1” or “Space-4” until you hear Bluetooth manager, or press the
“Space” until you get to Bluetooth manager. When you hear Bluetooth
manager, press “Enter” to activate it. Or, you can press “l (dots 1-2-3)”
to open the Bluetooth manager from the “Program” menu without having
to press “Enter” on it.
13.1 Bluetooth Device List
After the Bluetooth manager has been activated, it will begin scanning
for other Bluetooth devices that are in range, and for the services
available from the other Bluetooth devices. For example, if you have a
computer with Bluetooth enabled nearby, then the Braille Sense