User's Manual

the “File” menu in order to move directly to “New”. “Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-
5)” is what you would press to access the function “New” from anywhere
in the word processor. The “n” is the shortcut key and “Enter-n” is the
hotkey. It is important to note that not all shortcut keys work from
anywhere in the Braille Sense OnHand; some commands will only work
while you are in a specific program. For example, if you want to
activate the “new document” option in the word processor. You cannot
press “Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)” in the “program” menu to activate this
option. You must be in the word processor program in order for “Enter-
n (dots 1-3-4-5)” to activate the “new document” option.
You can also move to the next menu item by pressing “Space-4”. You
can move to the previous menu item by pressing “Space-1”. When you
want to move to the first item of the menu, you can press “Space-1-2-3”.
If you would like to move to the last item of the menu, you can press
“Space-4-5-6”. The corresponding menu name will be displayed on the
Braille display, and the menu name will be spoken through the TTS (text
to speech) engine. If you want to listen to the name of the menu again,
press “Space-r (dots 1-2-3-5)”. Once you move to a menu item that you
want to execute, press “Enter” in order to execute the menu. By
pressing “Enter”, you will move to the sub menu. If there is no
submenu, the Braille Sense OnHand will execute the command from the
menu. This process is called “menu selection”. You may also move to
any menu or execute any menu by pressing an initial spelling of the
Sometimes, if a menu is executed by pressing “Enter”, the lower-level
menu is displayed. In this case, the right direction arrow sign (->) is
displayed after the name of the corresponding menu on the Braille
display. When this happens, the Braille Sense OnHand will say, “pull
down”. Or, if a menu is executed by pressing “Enter”, the dialog box is
displayed. In this case, the ellipsis sign (…) will be displayed after the
name of the corresponding menu on the Braille display. The Braille
Sense OnHand will also speak the message, “common dialog”.
Let’s begin going through the various menus. First, turn the unit on by