User's Manual

press the “dot 4.” Also you can input the “at sign” by pressing “Space-
Backspace-dot 4.” And if you want to enter the number, you can use the
“number sign (dots 3-4-5-6).” But in the computer edit box, you have to
input the number in computer Braille that lowered by one row and no
number sign.
2.8.1 The ASCII table for a computer Braille input
exclamation mark: dots 2-3-4-6
quotation mark: dot 5
number sign: dots 3-4-5-6
dollar sign: dots 1-2-4-6
percent: dots 1-4-6
ampersand: dots 1-2-3-4-6
apostrophe: dot 3
left parenthesis: dots 1-2-3-5-6
right parenthesis: dots 2-3-4-5-6
asterisk: dots 1-6
PLUS: dots 3-4-6
comma: dot 6
dash: dots 3-6
period: dots 4-6
slash: dots 3-4
0: dots 3-5-6
1: dot 2
2: dots 2-3
3: dots 2-5
4: dots 2-5-6
5: dots 2-6
6: dots 2-3-5
7: dots 2-3-5-6
8: dots 2-3-6
9: dots 3-5
colon: dots 1-5-6
semi colon: dots 5-6
less than: dots 1-2-6