User's Manual

functions the same way as the “alt-tab” keys on your PC. If you are
running three programs and you are in the second program, pressing the
“F2” and “F3” keys at the same time will move you to the third program.
If you press “F2-F3” again, you will be on the first program.
In the above case, pressing “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)” will close the
current running program and move you to the previous program.
However, if there is only one program running, pressing “Space-z (dots
1-3-5-6)” will close the program and move you to the Braille Sense
OnHand “program” menu. Note that “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)” is
different from the “escape” key, which does not close programs.
2.10 Switching Audio mode
The audio buttons on the front panel will work for different function
according to the location of Audio mode switch.
If you push the audio mode switch to the left side, the Braille Sense
OnHand will say “radio mode” and the audio buttons will work for the FM
radio program. If you set the audio mode switch to the center, the Braille
Sense OnHand will say “daisy mode” and the audio buttons will work for
the Daisy program. If you push the audio mode switch to the right side,
the Braille Sense OnHand will say “media mode” and the audio buttons
will work for the Media program.
So in order to use the audio buttons as you desire, you have to set the
audio mode switch to the proper position. For example, when you are
using Media program and the audio mode switch is located in the left
side, the audio buttons on the front panel will work for FM radio program.
The detailed function of the audio buttons will be explained in the FM
radio, Daisy and Media program sections in this user manual.
2.11 Switching Key lock
You can disable or enable any specified keys on the Braille Sense
OnHand by using Key Lock switch on the left panel.
If the key lock switch put on left, Braille Sense OnHand will say “all keys
locked”. In this case, you can’t use the all keys including the on/off