User's Manual

3. Global options
The “Global options” in the Braille Sense OnHand has information on all
of your settings. You can change your preferences regarding each option.
You can access the “Global options” by pressing “F1”. Then, use “Space-
4” or “Space-1” until you find “Global options”. Then, press “Enter” on
“Global options”. By pressing the “Space-o (dots 1-3-5)”, you can open
the “Global options” while you are anywhere in the Braille Sense
OnHand. You can navigate all of the items in the “Global options” with
“Space-1” or “Space-4”. You can also use the scroll buttons for
navigating through each of the items. You can change the setting values
with the “spacebar” or “Backspace” buttons. There are many shortcut
keys which you can use to quickly move you to wherever you want to go
in the “Global options”. By pressing “Space” on an item in the “Global
options”, you can turn the setting on or off, or toggle between the various
options that are available for the item you are on.
The “Global options” is like a dialog box. To change and save the
settings in the “Global options”, you must press “Enter” once you have
selected the setting that you want to save. If you do not press “Enter” (or
select “Confirm”) on the setting that you want, the setting will not be
saved. Once you press “Enter” to save the setting, the Braille Sense
OnHand will say, “Saved options”, and you will be returned to where you
were before you entered the “Global options”. To cancel the change to
the setting, press the “F4” key, “Space-e (dots 1-5)”, or “Space-z (dots 1-
3-4-5)”. The Braille Sense OnHand will then speak the message,
“Canceled saving options”. When you are on an option, you can also use
“tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)” to go to the “Confirm” and
“Cancel” buttons. If you want to save your settings, press “Enter” on the
“Confirm” button. If you do not want to save the changes you made to
the settings, press “Enter” on the “Cancel” button.
Before we go in to detail about each option, let’s first go through a brief
overview of what you will find in the “Global options”.