User's Manual

can resume the recording by pressing the “record” button again. The
recorded sound will be stored in a file, and placed in the
“flashdisk/media/record” folder. See section 8.3.3 for more
information about recorded files.
8.1.4 Stop Button
The “stop” button has a square shape, and is used to stop playing. If
you press the “stop” button while an audio file is being played, the
Braille Sense Plus B32 will stop playing. The next time the Braille
Sense Plus B32 starts playing, it will start from the first file in the play
list. If you press this button while recording, the Braille Sense Plus
B32 will stop recording. If you press the “stop” button in “record”
dialog box while the Braille Sense Plus B32 is not recording, the
dialog box will close.
8.1.5 Using the Audio buttons in file open dialog box
You can open “open file” dialog box by long pressing “stop” button in
the “Media Player” dialog box. And if you long press the “stop” button
again, this dialog box will close. And then return to the “Media Player”
dialog box.
“play/pause” button is same function as “enter” in “open file” dialog
box. Also “stop” button, “record” button, “previous” button and “next”
button is same function as “backspace”, “space”, “space-1” and
“space-4” in “file open” dialog box.
Namely, you can move to up and down by pressing “previous” and
“next” button in file list. And you can select and unselect by pressing
“record” button. If you press “stop” button, you can move to upper
folder. And if you press “play/pause” button, you can play the
selected file in file list of “open file” dialog box.
In order to use this function, you must set the audio mode switch to
“media mode.”
8.2 Braille Keyboard and Extended Keys
You can use more of the features in the “Media Player” with the
Braille keyboard than with the audio buttons. You can use the Braille
keyboard commands to control the player in the “Media Player” dialog
box. To open the “Media Player,” press “enter” on “Media Player,” or