User's Manual

number and letter. If you want to move to the previous page, type “-f,”
and if you want to move to the next page, type “+f.” If the page number
you type in is not valid, the Voice Sense QWERTY will say, “Move range
You can also use this function to move to a specific paragraph. First,
select “Go to Location” in the “Go To” menu, or just press “Ctrl-g”. Then,
the Voice Sense QWERTY will say, “Move to page number:” Before you
type in the number of the paragraph that you want to go to, type “p,” and
then type the number of the paragraph that you want to go to. By typing
in the letter “p,” the Voice Sense QWERTY will know that you are
looking for a paragraph, and not a page or line. If you want to move
forward from your current location, put the plus sign in front of the
number and letter. If you want to move backward from your current
location, put the minus sign in front of the number and letter. For
example, if you want to move backward two paragraphs, you would type,
“-p2.” If you want to move to the previous paragraph, type “-p,” and if you
want to move to the next paragraph, type “+p.” If the paragraph number
you type in is not valid, the Voice Sense QWERTY will say, “Move range
You can also use this function to move to a specific line. First, select “Go
to Location” in the “Go To” menu, or just press “Ctrl-g.” Then, the Voice
Sense QWERTY will say, “Move to page number:” Before you type in
the number of the line that you want to go to, type “l,” and then type the
number of the line that you want to go to. By typing in the letter “l,” the
Voice Sense QWERTY will know that you are looking for a line, and not
a page or paragraph. If you want to move forward from your current
location, put the plus sign in front of the number and letter. If you want to
move backward from your current location, put the minus sign in front of
the number and letter. For example, if you want to move backward two
lines, you would type, “-l2.” If you want to move to the previous line, type
“-l,” and if you want to move to the next line, type “+l.” If the line
number you type in is not valid, the Voice Sense QWERTY will say,
“Move range error.”