User's Manual

document, you can press “Fn-z” to activate this function. In order to
return to the document that you are editing, press any key.
5.4.9 Read Status
This function will tell you information about your current file. If you
activate this function, Voice Sense QWERTY will tell you the “file name,”
“edit mode (insert or overwrite),” and “file protection (write or read only).”
To execute this command, press “Alt,” and move to the “Read” menu by
pressing “Down arrow key.” Then, press “Enter.” Move to “Read Status”
by pressing “Down arrow key,” and then press “Enter,” or you can press
“s” in the read menu, which is the short cut. While editing a document,
you can press “Fn-/” to activate this function. In order to return to the
document that you are editing, press any key.
5.5 Layout
The “Layout” command sets the layout for printing on an ink printer or
embossing on a Braille printer. The “Layout” menu has the following
submenus: “Braille Document Layout,” “Print Document Layout,” “Braille
Paragraph Layout,” and “Print Paragraph Layout.” In order to check the
layout, call up the menu by pressing “Alt,” and check the layout values
one by one. The changed values will be displayed within the menu.
5.5.1 Braille Document Layout
While you are editing a document, press “Alt” to call up the menu, and
select “Layout” or press “l,” (which is the short cut), and then select
“Braille Document Layout.” Or, you can press “Alt-F5.” “Braille Document
Layout” is used to set the width and height of the paper for embossing
as well as the following options. Whenever you change a layout setting
while you are editing a document, the setting will be valid on the rest of
the document.
You can navigate the menu items with “Up arrow key”or “Down arrow
key,” and you can move to “Confirm” or “Cancel” by pressing “tab”. You