User's Manual

“no control.”
11.7.3 Table
At the beginning position of the table, the Voice Sense QWERTY shows
the table number, and the number of rows and columns on the table.
For example, there are two big tables (we call these “upper level tables”)
on one web page. Each table has 3 sub tables (we call these “lower
level tables”) with 3 rows and 2 columns on each. In this case, when the
Voice Sense QWERTY shows the first sub table on the second big table,
it displays “table 2-1 3 rows, 2 columns.” At the end of the sub table, the
Voice Sense QWERTY will display “table 2-1.”
If the table consists of only 1 row and 1 column, or empty space that has
only border or background, such tables are not considered tables in the
Voice Sense QWERTY.
The Voice Sense QWERTY provides a way to move table by table, and
cell by cell, in order for the user to comprehend the structure of the table.
In order to move cell by cell, the cell position and contents of the cell will
be displayed. However, the position information will only be announced
in voice.
For example, if you have move to a cell that is positioned on the second
row and third column, and the content of the cell is “news,” the Voice
Sense QWERTY will announce, “row 2 cell 3 news.” In this case, “row 2
cell 3” will be announced in voice only..
If a table is included in the cell, the Voice Sense QWERTY will announce
“table cell.” If there is not a table in the cell, you will hear “empty cell.”
In the “table cell,” if you want to move to any cell within the lower level
table, press “Down arrow key” to move to the starting line of the lower
level table.